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Blood Type COVID 19 Passover

Apply the Blood of Jesus Passover There are reports that say that a person’s blood type affects the risks involved with COVID-19. This is a matter for the medical community to debate, I can tell you that the blood of Jesus Christ affects our risks too. According to Jack Kelley, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was done on the day of choosing of the Passover Lamb. The Apostle John (John 12:1,12) tells us that the reason Jesus and the crowd were gathered was…

The Vaccine Coronavirus

God has equipped us with The Coronavirus Vaccine The medical community and the government are working on a vaccine for the COVID-19. I am hopeful of their success and appreciative of their efforts. Yet, God has given His Church the tools to combat this and all other attacks of the enemy.  Special ONE-HOUR SERVICE This Sunday you do not want to miss this extremely important message about the The Vaccine of the Coronavirus. This vaccine goes by another name: the shield of faith.…

Social Distancing Can Be Dangerous

Social Distancing Can Be Dangerous This virus is seeking to separate us. We are not allowed to have large groups, even for such things as weddings, funerals, eating, and exercising. The world’s answer is “social distancing.” While we respect the wisdom from a physical health point of view, we must be diligent in staying connected. We are stronger together. Special ONE-HOUR SERVICE This Sunday you do not want to miss this extremely important message about the TWO DANGERS of Social Distancing. If we do…

We Are Not Closed

Doing church differently. We Are Not Closed   Dear ENC partners, Recent events did not take God by surprise. Things are happening today that just a few months ago, I did not think would happen. Yet, here we are. God knew this was going to happen. He is well prepared, and so are we. This virus is seeking to separate us. We are not allowed to have large groups, even for such things as weddings, funerals, eating, and exercising. The world’s answer…

I am contagious.

Freely receive… freely give. Matthew 5:8 “I Am Contagious” “I Am Contagious!” See you in-person and online… 9AM & 11AM Our Message Today, people are afraid that the people around them are contagious. We don’t want what other people may have been infected with. That is wisdom. Yet, God wants us to spread what He has infected us with. We are to take the facemask off and spread to others what we have been infected with by Him. Christ has…

Oh, no! Coranavirus.

“No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent.” Psalm 91:10 NASB “It is not inevitable” ~ President Donald Trump Please Excuse Me I understand that some of you are upset with me for using a quote from our president. Yet, what he said is correct. He was answering a question about the spread of the coronavirus. Some people are saying that a pandemic and outbreak in the US is inevitable. The definition of the word “inevitable”…

This is not good. :(

[Gen 2:18 NASB] 18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” This is NOT good. 🙁 God created a good world. The first thing He said was not good was Adam’s aloneness. It was not good for him to be alone. It is still not good for us to be alone. (Dis) Connected Technology, particularly social media, was supposed to help us be…

Are you little? Growth Track

[2Pe 3:18 NASB] 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him [be] the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. Why Growth Track? Spiritual growth is not like physical growth. In physical growth, time is the most critical factor. As long as a person is eating and drinking, even if the diet is not the best, they will still grow. I grew up eating spaghetti, hamburger helper, and Campbell’s…

I want to share a secret with you.

“…so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees [what is done] in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:18 NASB I Want To Let You In A Secret Jesus teaches a powerful principle about fasting. God sees us when we fast. He sees the secrets of our devotion to Him. He sees when we are genuinely pursuing God even if no one notices or cares. He rewards…

This is the reason Satan is fighting you

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded [permission] to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 21:31-32 NASB Satan Is After Your Faith Superman had a weakness: kryptonite. In order to be stripped of his powers all an enemy had to do was produce a certain amount of kryptonite and Superman was rendered powerless and then he can be easily defeated.…

How Rich Is Jesus?

(Photo credit: https://barbroose.com/when-youre-not-getting-what-you-want-for-christmas/) How Rich Is Jesus? That question is called clickbait. I ask that ridiculous question to get a response. Why did I do this? Because I want to share with you a powerful truth about the level of provision God wants to bring into your life. Read Philippians 4:19 again. In this verse, Paul is not trying to report on the financial disclosures of Jesus Christ. He does seem to make a statement as to the level of the…