

Fall Semester 2020 – September 6th-December 6th.

Online Directory – click here.

Listings are also available in the church foyer.

B-Groups F.A.Q

What does a B-Group look like?

B-groups are small gatherings of people doing life together. We believe changes happens in circles. Usually a common activity brings people together—whether it is men fishing, moms at a park, young adults at a coffee shop, or friends having lunch. Each time your B-Group meets, you will experience fun fellowship, life-giving conversation, and faith-filled prayer. The typical one-hour format makes it easy for anyone to participate.

How often does a B-Group meet?

B-Groups meet for three trimesters a year—spring, summer, and fall. B-Groups some meet once a week, while others meet biweekly or monthly. They are meant to add meaningful community to your day-to-day rhythm of life, so even if you can’t attend every meeting, there is still great value in joining a group.

Where do B-Groups meet?

B-Groups meet anyplace people get together, such as at homes, parks, restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, and office buildings. B-Groups are available at various places.

How long does a typical B-Group stay together?

Most B-Groups meet for a trimester. This allows new people to easily and regularly join groups. Also, the semester format allows you to try more than one group each year. As relationships form, some groups choose to stay together for consecutive trimesters, but new members are always welcome.

Is child care available?

Child care varies from group to group. When you search our directory for a group, the group profile will indicate whether child care is available.

What if I don’t like the first group I try?

The truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. This is why we encourage you to select a few groups that interest you, contact the leaders, and try out a couple of groups before choosing the best one for you. The simple strategy to finding success in small groups is to not give up. We believe there is a group where everyone can belong—including you!