“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 NASB
Secret Messages
Have you ever had a decoder ring? They are devices used to send a secret message that would be impossible to read without it. If you had the decoder ring, you could fully understand what was being sent.
Jesus gave us the decoder ring for the messages of Satan. Jesus said that when Satan speaks, he lies. He called Satan the “father” of the lie. He, Satan, never speaks the truth. SATAN LIES.
How is that a decoder ring?
When the devil tells us things, we have to use the decoder ring to find out the truth. For instance, Satan will say to you that God is done with you. It is time for you to use the decoder ring. The decoder ring would reveal that God is getting ready to use you powerfully. Another example is that when Satan tells you that you will always be a failure. The decoder ring says that God is bringing to a place of great success.
What is Satan telling you? The opposite is true. This Sunday, we are going to celebrate Father’s Day by uncovering the lies of the devil. We believe God a spirit of truth to deliver people from the lies of the devil, the father of lies.

This Sunday every man 18 and over is getting “Dads” Root Beer and cookies. Also, we are giving some great gifts in both services.
100 Days/Miles This Summer
This summer, we are praying together. It is going to take different forms. First, we are asking people to commit to an unbroken prayer life for 100 days from now until Labor Day Sunday, September 1. Secondly, we are asking people to walk their neighborhood and pray — one mile a day for 100 days or 100 miles to September 1. Thirdly, we are having the church building open for prayer. Beginning the week of Monday, June 3rd the building will be open Mondays at 7 AM, Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, and Thursdays at noon. Some of these times will have a leader leading in prayer while other times, the sanctuary will be open for people to come and pray. We have unique prayer guides that we are asking people to use as part of their prayer. These prayer guides will allow us to “pray together” even if we are not always in the same location, we will be praying along the same lines.
Please take advantage of these times of prayer. For a gift of any size, we will have exclusive T-shirts available for those who commit to prayer walk their neighborhoods. Expect God to respond in miraculous ways today as He did then.
We are believing to connect 1000 people to Jesus Christ and His Church.
We have tools for you.
Evangelism How-To Pamphlet
Surrendered Follow-up Cards
For more go to http://evangelnorth.net/surrendered/
Also, get your “How can I PRAY for you?” shirts here.
We love you. We are looking forward to seeing you at Evangel North Church Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM, and Wednesday at 7 PM.
Also new service: Saturdays 6 PM, at Evangel World Prayer Center (6900 Billtown Road).

Pastors John & Erin Carmichael
Evangel North Church – A multi-generational multi-ethnic church reaching a region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God. |