How Can I Pray For You?
[Act 8:4, 12, 25, 35, 40 NASB95] 4 Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word. … 12 But when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike. … 25 So, when they had solemnly testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they started back to Jerusalem, and were preaching the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans. … 35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him. … 40 But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.
The fire of the Holy Spirit was and is supposed to spread to our communities.
Have we lost our mission? Do we really care? What is your attitude about this subject right now?
Are you more concerned about homosexuality, abortion, and the president than you are that people are going to hell?
These questions reveal where we are right now.
Have we lost our passion for the lost when there are so many left to win?
Philip is known as an evangelist. He was a “table waiter.” God used him. God can use you.
What can we learn about Spirit-empowered evangelism from Philip?
There are three mindsets that we must have to be used of God for Spirit-empowered evangelism.
- The attitude of Spirit-empowered evangelism.
- Obedience – v1 (see Acts 1:8)
- Persistence – v40
- What should have been a launching pad turned into a parking lot.
- Philip was told to leave the growing crowds for a solitary seeker. He was willing to be a servant instead of a celebrity.
- [Rom 1:14-15 NASB95]
- [1Co 9:16 NASB95]
- Do we understand that evangelism is our obligation?
- The audience of Spirit-empowered evangelism.
- Everyone everywhere.
- Acts 8:5
- Acts 8:25-28
- Acts 8:40
- Luke uses “everywhere” 31 of 42 times in NT. Almost always in connection with evangelism.
- Samaritans were mixed breed.
- Ethiopian was the first African to hear the Gospel that we know of.
- The Gospel is for everyone. There is no room in Christianity to preach to a certain group of people.
- The action of Spirit-empowered evangelism.
- Proclaim the Gospel
- V. 4-5; 35
- Jesus
- Scriptures
- Pray with power. v6-7
- “Preaching and healing are inseparable.” Dr. Trevor Grizzle, professor at ORU.
- Keep in mind, that Philip was a “table waiter.”
- He met needs physical and spiritual through every means.
- Miracles are an integral part of the Gospel and they demonstrate the sovereign Lordship of God Himself.
- Pray for Spirit baptism. v14-24
- We don’t know why Philip omitted Spirit baptism from his ministry. Peter and John made it a priority for these new believers.
- Should we make it a priority?
- Spirit baptism is a subsequent act of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
- Many preachers embrace the cross of Christ but neglect the charisma of the Spirit. Why? Ignorance? Fear?
- Make a way for water baptism. v36-39
- Not a condition of salvation but openly identifies them with Christ and His Church.
- If not willing to make a profession, then was the profession real?
- We are not called to make converts, but to make disciples. Grafted into the community of believers; the church.
- God wants the church to regain the urgency of Spirit-empowered evangelism with the noble attitudes to an inclusive audience with the necessary actions.
- Are you willing to take the Gospel to everyone you meet? To allow the Spirit to empower you to reach those around you.

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