Dear ENC partners,
Recent events did not take God by surprise. Things are happening today that just a few months ago, I did not think would happen. Yet, here we are. God knew this was going to happen. He is well prepared, and so are we.
This virus is seeking to separate us. We are not allowed to have large groups, even for such things as weddings, funerals, eating, and exercising. The world’s answer is “social distancing.” While we respect the wisdom from a physical health point of view, we must be diligent in staying connected. We are stronger together.
ENC IS GOING ONLINE. Because we know how important it is to stay connected during difficult times, ENC is going virtual. These are the ways we plan to stay connected during the COVID-19 situation:
- Sunday & Wednesday Services
Join us online 3 ways via Facebook Live (Evangel North Church), YouTube Live (John Carmichael Ministries), or Sun. 11 AM & Wed. 7 PM only.
- Drive-Thru Prayer & Communion
Stay in your car & drive thru the front of the church for prayer & prepackaged communion using enhanced sanitizing methods. Bible lesson packs will be available for kids. You can drop off your offering. Sun. 11 AM to 12 PM.
- Give Online and By Mail.
Our monthly commitments continue. Your faithful giving is appreciated. Give online at Offering envelopes can be dropped off during drive-thru church or put into a stamped envelope and mailed to the church. Address: ENC, 1732 Thames Drive, Clarksville, IN 47129.
Stay connected through Facebook and Instagram. All other services & events are canceled until further notice.
Pastor Erin and I are praying for you. Stay focused on God and His Word. Be intentional about being connected to Him, His Word, and His Church.
If you need anything, please let us know.
We love you,

Pastors John & Erin Carmichael |