Sometimes, we are not ok.
[1Ki 19:4 NASB95] 4 But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree; and he requested for himself that he might die, and said, “It is enough; now, O LORD, take my life, for I am not better than my fathers.”
Elijah wants to die just from calling fire from heaven and drought-ending rain.
In this verse, Elijah is not ok. As a result of killing the prophets of Baal, Jezebel has threatened to kill him. In fear, Elijah runs away. He is so despondent he is asking God to take his life.
Is it possible for God to use people who are emotionally “not ok”? Can we experience miracles while still needing help in our minds?
God did not reject Elijah when he had an emotional breakdown. He did not leave him in that state either.
God came to Elijah and helped him out of his funk. He ministered to the needs of Elijah and gave him the prescription to overcome his breakdown. After submitting to God’s directions, Elijah overcame his wounded emotions and completed his purpose.
So will you.
This Sunday, we are going to unpack this story. We will see that sometimes we are not ok. God comforts us and empowers us to rise from the trauma to accomplish His will for our lives. This will be life-changing.
A Summer of Miracles
This summer, we are preaching a sermon series about the miracles of Elijah and his protege’, Elisha. We will see how God works miracles of good and justice—the point is to renew our minds to the fact that God desires to do miracles in our lives. Every Sunday and Wednesday, Dr. John preaches; he will bring one of the miracles God did with these two men to encourage everyone to believe in miracles today.
Paint Slip-n-Slide
North Kids are going to have some messy fun with a Paint Slip-n-Slide! Bring clothes that can get dirty, an extra set to change into, and a towel! You don’t want to miss it!
4th of July PicNic at Billtown Road Campus