[1Co 14:1 NASB95] 1 Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual [gifts,] but especially that you may prophesy.
The Gift of Prophecy Is Preferred
We are not to be neutral in our desire for the gifts of the Spirit. There should be a deep, burning desire for the gifts of the Spirit. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul pointed out the gift of prophecy as being focused upon.
What Are The Characteristics of NT Prophecy?
In I Corinthians 14:3, we get a description of the gift of prophecy. It describes NT prophecy as “. . . edification and exhortation and consolation.” Paul then teaches the Corinthian church how the gifts, especially prophecy, work in the church. The church needed to learn about the gift of prophecy.
The Church Needs To Learn About The Gift of Prophecy
This Sunday, we are hosting Prophet David Fang. He is a dynamic prophet. He is exceptionally gifted in helping the church understand the gift of prophecy. He will be with us Sunday at 930AM, 11AM, and 6PM.

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