(Photo credit: https://www.economist.com/node/21651742/all-comments?page=3)
“For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit, he speaks mysteries.” I Corinthians 14:2 NASB
“What is this tongues business?”
I immediately knew he knew nothing about tongues. The gentleman had requested to meet with me in my office. He was wanting to join the church. This was kind of like an interview. He had left a church that taught against the theology and practice of praying in tongues.
Many people have questions about the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This email is not intended to lay out the Biblical foundation of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Click here for a great message about speaking in tongues by Pastor Robert Morris.)
Pray More In Tongues
God has been dealing with me to pray in tongues more. Through a series of very convincing ways, God has shown me the importance of spending more time praying in Spirit. I am cautious to focus on the word “more”. Sometimes we hear more and it becomes a fleshly work. Many times we are condemned with the thoughts that we are not “doing enough”. Do not go there with idea of speaking in tongues “more”.
With that said, do you spend time praying in tongues? We understand that not praying is unacceptable. If not praying is unacceptable, then praying is necessary. As to how much praying, that is between God and you. I am hearing to pray more.
A couple of things to consider when thinking about why pray in tongues more:
1. How much is life stressing you out?
2. How much of God’s empowerment do you want?
God is wanting to move in your life. He wants to speak to your life. I believe the more I keep myself in the Holy Spirit by praying in tongues, the more the Holy Spirit I hear.

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