[Act 2:1-4 NASB] 1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
I Liked It
There I was with some “gibberish” coming out of my mouth. I had the sensation of what could be described as “electrified honey” running down my body. I thought the man (Dr. Bob Rodgers, who as an evangelist at the time) thought I was crazy. I did not know what was happening, but I knew I liked it.
“If it’s from God, I want it.” Those are the words that preceded this experience. I was a new Christian. I had not got into the spiritual discipline of faithful church attendance, but I had decided that since I was a Christian, I should go to church. (Selah) I arrived late to church. Unlike most late arrivers, I was very late. Like, so late as I was walking in the people were walking out. For whatever reason, I was determined to find a man in a suit and get him to pray for me. I went up front, found Dr. Bob, and had him pray for me.
I Was Struggling
You see, although I was a Christian, I was struggling. Jesus had done and was continuing to do a mighty work in my life. Yet, something was missing. I knew it, but not with my mind; I knew God wanted me to experience Him.
My conversation with Dr. Bob started with those words. He said I needed the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I had no idea what he was talking about. I had never heard those terms before. I answered, “If it’s from God, I want it.” These words prompted him to help me experience the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
He prayed for me. He asked me to raise my hands. (I had no idea why.) He put his hand on my head. (I had no idea why.) He told me to pray. (That made sense to me.) Then I started to experience that “electrified honey” sensation. (Not everyone experiences this sensation.)
“Not English, but tongues.” Dr. Bob told me those words. I had never heard of the term “tongues” as it related to speaking or talking. This is were it gets interesting. I did not know what he was wanting me to do. All I can say is that the next thing I know, some “gibberish” is coming out of my mouth. I thought that he would think I was crazy.
A Teaching With An Experience
I did not care what he thought. I did not understand exactly was going on. All I knew was that I was hungry for God. I did not know what I was experiencing, but I knew I liked it. I knew God would not give me something bad. It was not until a few years later did I understand the theological and Biblical foundation for this experience.
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. I am going to deliver a Biblical and theological foundation for the baptism with the Holy Spirit. I want you not just get the teaching; I want you to get the experience. Pray with me for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
100 Days/Miles This Summer
This summer, we are praying together. It is going to take different forms. First, we are asking people to commit to an unbroken prayer life for 100 days from now until Labor Day Sunday, September 1. Secondly, we are asking people to walk their neighborhood and pray — one mile a day for 100 days or 100 miles to September 1. Thirdly, we are having the church building open for prayer. Beginning the week of Monday, June 3rd the building will be open Mondays at 7 AM, Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, and Thursdays at noon. Some of these times will have a leader leading in prayer while other times, the sanctuary will be open for people to come and pray. We have unique prayer guides that we are asking people to use as part of their prayer. These prayer guides will allow us to “pray together” even if we are not always in the same location, we will be praying along the same lines.
Please take advantage of these times of prayer. For a gift of any size, we will have exclusive T-shirts available for those who commit to prayer walk their neighborhoods. Expect God to respond in miraculous ways today as He did then.
We are believing to connect 1000 people to Jesus Christ and His Church.
We have tools for you.
Evangelism How-To Pamphlet
Surrendered Follow-up Cards
For more go to http://evangelnorth.net/surrendered/
Also, get your “How can I PRAY for you?” shirts here.
We love you. We are looking forward to seeing you at Evangel North Church Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM, and Wednesday at 7 PM.
Also new service: Saturdays 6 PM, at Evangel World Prayer Center (6900 Billtown Road).

Pastors John & Erin Carmichael
Evangel North Church – A multi-generational multi-ethnic church reaching a region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God. |