[2Pe 3:18 NASB] 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him [be] the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
Why Growth Track?
Spiritual growth is not like physical growth. In physical growth, time is the most critical factor. As long as a person is eating and drinking, even if the diet is not the best, they will still grow. I grew up eating spaghetti, hamburger helper, and Campbell’s soup. (We can talk about food now that the fast is over. LOL) While that diet is not optimal, over the years, I still grew and am very healthy today.
In spiritual growth, time is less of a factor. Information plus inspiration equals transformation (spiritual growth).
The Holy Spirit is the means of transformation (this is change and growth). As church leaders, we facilitate an environment where we see a change in people. This transformation includes giving INFORMATION. That is information contains what God’s Word says about living out this Christian life. Yes, it tells what to do and what not to do. It challenges our paradigms and frames our worldview. This information even affects our feelings by helping to remove fears that can be overwhelming at times.
Information without INSPIRATION can be empty and not effective. When looking at the role of the Holy Spirit, He gives what I am going to call inspiration. That is, He will take the information that is in the head and facilitate moving it to the heart. He moves it from the conscience to the unconscious. The information now becomes less about behavioral management and more about total change. The inspiration the Holy Spirit brings causes this information to become ours.
Jesus’ information, plus the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, brings real change. For example, Jesus teaches us to forgive those who sin against us. The Holy Spirit helps us to overcome the hurt and the need for revenge for releasing them from the offense. Jesus challenges us to go beyond forgiving them to bless them. Forgiving them is hard enough. Now we are to bless them. Flesh would have a hard time doing that. We can rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to walk this out.
Jesus also challenges us to have faith to move mountains. A daunting task indeed. Our nature self struggles with going beyond the pragmatic and into the supernature. We can know the information that we should have faith, but we are dependant upon the Holy Spirit to have the confidence that God is going to move that metaphoric mountain.
Jesus’ call to us to share the Gospel is real and pertinent. In Acts 1:8, Jesus emphatically told the early disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit’s empowerment to walk this out. We can know to do this work, but actually, we need the Holy Spirit inspiration to follow through with this information of the call.
Growth Track is an intentional time where we create an environment for inspiration and information to come together for real growth. This Sunday, we begin Growth Track. The February class is full. We will start signing up for March soon. These classes occur on the 1st Sunday of each month. It happens during the preaching time at 9 AM service.
We love you. We are looking forward to seeing you at Evangel North Church Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM, and Wednesday at 7 PM.

Pastors John & Erin Carmichael
Evangel North Church – A multi-generational multi-ethnic church reaching a region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God.