Are you drunk?
This Sunday (May 28, 2023) is Pentecost Sunday. Wear RED.
The question in the subject line was the response of the people who were witnessing the supernatural events that took place in Acts 2. Imagine, God pouring out His Spirit and people misunderstanding it. Unthinkable right?
It still happens today.
As believers, we understand that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to guide, comfort, and empower us in our journey of faith. This empowering presence of the Holy Spirit is a tremendous blessing that brings about remarkable changes in our lives.
Firstly, the Holy Spirit empowers us with spiritual gifts. These gifts are divine endowments that equip us to serve God and others effectively. The Apostle Paul mentions various gifts, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophecy, and discernment, to name a few. Through the Holy Spirit, these gifts are distributed among believers as He wills, enabling us to fulfill our unique purposes within the body of Christ and make a positive impact on the world around us.
Secondly, the Holy Spirit empowers us for holy living. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us, transforming our hearts and renewing our minds. He helps us to discern right from wrong, convicts us of sin, and empowers us to live lives that are pleasing to God. The Spirit enables us to bear the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Through His guidance, we are empowered to overcome temptations, grow in righteousness, and reflect the character of Christ in our daily lives.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit empowers us for effective witness and ministry. Jesus instructed His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the power from on high, which was the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit descended upon them on the day of Pentecost, they were filled with boldness and began to proclaim the Gospel with great fervor. Similarly, as Christians today, the Holy Spirit empowers us to share the love of Christ, testify to His saving grace, and minister to those in need. The Spirit equips us with words of wisdom and understanding, enabling us to effectively communicate the truth of God’s Word and bring hope to a hurting world.
The empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians is truly remarkable. Through His spiritual gifts, guidance for holy living, and empowerment for witness and ministry, the Holy Spirit enables us to live purposefully, joyfully, and impactfully as followers of Christ. May we continually seek His guidance, surrender to His leading, and rely on His power as we walk this faith journey.
We will unpack this empowering experience as part of the “Receive The Holy Spirit” sermon series.
TWO ways to enjoy the services:
1. In-person. Recommended!
2. Join us online using Facebook Live (Evangel North Church), YouTube Live (John Carmichael Ministries), or http://evangelnorth.net/live-on-demand/. |