A “thief” is coming.

A “thief” is coming.

Jesus is Coming.

[1Th 5:2 NASB95] 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

[2Pe 3:10 NASB95] 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

Two Authors. One Description.

The Apostles Paul and Peter gave the exact description of the “day of the Lord.” What is the day of the Lord? While not wanting to go into the theological hair-splitting arguments of the statement, consider that 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 are talking about the rapture, the return of Christ. Peter (2 Peter 3:4) also is writing about the coming of the Lord. Therefore, from the context of scripture, it is not a stretch to believe that the “day of the Lord” would include the return of Christ, among other end-time events.

Since “the day of the Lord” refers to the return of the Lord, consider the description: a thief in the night. This description gives us some clues as to the manner of His return. The return of Christ will be unexpected. It will be sudden. It will come when many people are asleep. It will require people to prepare for the event as one might lock the doors or have an alarm system.

The Point: Jesus is coming again.

Jesus came into this world for the first time as a baby. He will return the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He came to purchase our redemption. He will return to complete our redemption. When He came the first time, He died for all humanity. When He returns, He will come to claim those who have accepted His SACRIFICE!

This Sunday, we will continue to unpack the coming of Christ. We will look at the manner, mission, and motivation of His coming. This message will encourage you and let you know about this upcoming event.

This is part of the sermon series “Foundations: Always Protected and Prospering.” We will continue to look into how to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His teachings. This sermon series will continue every Sunday and Wednesday through May.


* Five Star Men’s Encounter – Friday 7PM AND Saturday 8AM at EWPC Billtown Road MEN’S ENCOUNTER WEEKEND | 🔥 Ready to transform your life? Join us for the Men’s Encounter Weekend with special guest speaker Neil Kennedy, founder of FivestarMan, alongside Dr. Bob Rodgers and Pastor Paul Woods. This FREE event is open to men of all ages.

* Soaking Prayer – Friday 9PM to Midnight.


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