A Message in a Mess

A Message in a Mess

Sometimes, we get confused about what is happening.

[1Ki 17:18 NASB95] 18 So she said to Elijah, “What do I have to do with you, O man of God? You have come to me to bring my iniquity to remembrance and to put my son to death!”

A battle amid a miracle.

This woman was in the middle of a provision miracle—the oil and flour were still multiplying. Things were good. Then, her son dies. What! Why? She is understandably confused.

How can God be doing miraculous things on one side and other situations go wrong? It just does not make sense. It would make more sense that if God is involved, everything would be good.

A statement follows her question. She thinks God is punishing her because of her personal sin. Here is a paraphrase of her statement, “I deserve this because of my failures.”

She is not alone in her assumptions. Over the years of pastoring, several people have made this same assessment when dealing with equally confusing situations. Assigning the painful situation to God’s judgment is common. The heart assumes that God is issuing punishment during confusing situations and adversity.

This Sunday, we will unpack this third miracle of Elijah. We will look at what to do when we experience a setback amid a miracle. We will explore the reason behind situations that are confusing us. We will learn how to give our situations to God. Understanding these topics with the power of the Holy Spirit will encourage your faith. You will see a miracle!

A Summer of Miracles

This summer, we are preaching a sermon series about the miracles of Elijah and his protege’, Elisha. We will see how God works miracles of good and justice—the point is to renew our minds to the fact that God desires to do miracles in our lives. Every Sunday and Wednesday that Dr. John preaches, he will bring one of the miracles God did with these two men to encourage everyone to believe in miracles today.


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Are you ready to experience the Kingdom of God “now” while we are waiting for the “not yet?” Subscribe to the “Kingdom Now with John Carmichael” podcast and YouTube channel.

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1. Websites: Anchor – https://anchor.fm/john-carmichael OR John Carmichael Ministries –
2. YouTube: Kingdom Now with John Carmichael
3. Podcasting: Spotify and Google Podcast

If there are topics you would like addressed on the podcast, please email us prayer@johncarmichael.net.


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