“Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few.” 2 Kings 4:3 NASB
The Law of the Hole.
Are you ready for sound financial advice? When in a hole, stop digging. (Selah) This is the mindset one needs to have when dealing with financial debt. Some people have tried to borrow their way out of debt. People use debt consolidating loans and such. They can even use credit cards with lower interest rates to pay off credit cards that have higher interest rates. Sometimes these strategies work effectively, most of the times they do not. The first rule of getting out debt is to stop going into debt. As good as this advice is, this email is not just about giving your sound financial guidance but to show you a strategy for a divine miracle. Keep reading.
A Borrowed Blessing
Elijah gave a strategy to a woman who was dealing with a horrible debt situation. Her husband had acquired a massive debt. He subsequently passed away. The creditors did not forgive the debt just because the husband passed. They want their money! The creditors were taking extreme measures to satisfy the loans. This woman was about to lose her two sons. This was a desperate situation.
The Divine solution for the woman was to look at what is in her house. She had a little oil. She at first said she had nothing. Then she remembered she had a little oil. Her mindset was that oil would not be enough to fulfill the creditors’ demands. She was correct. Naturally speaking. She was not thinking with a miracle mindset.
Elijah told her to borrow her way out of this financial situation. (Remember the law of the hole.) She was to borrow large vessels from her neighbors. She was told to borrow not a few. She was to pour out the oil into the borrowed containers. That is when the miracle happened. She poured what she had into the empty vessels and the “little oil” keep flowing. It flowed until she ran out of containers. She ran out of vessels before she ran out of oil.
There are several messages in this story. Let’s look at one message. We need to have a miracle mindset. One of the most significant errors we make is just looking at the natural situation ONLY. That does not mean that we need to ignore the situation with a neglectful attitude and call it faith (she addressed the situation with Elijah). It also does not mean that we won’t have a part to play in the miracle (she had to get vessels and pour oil).
A miracle mindset has several aspects to it. First, we address the situation head-on. Face, not ignore, the situation you are dealing with. Secondly, approach God with the situation. Elijah represented God in this story. She came to get a divine answer. So should we. Thirdly, do not assume something will or will not work. Be open to divine strategies. Understand that many times, God’s answers are things we did not think would work. Fourthly believe God. Act in faith. Walk in obedience to the methodology of God. ***Sometimes God will have you do something you are against.*** God might ask you to borrow to get out of debt (law of the hole). Obedience and faith trump our bias and preferences.
Where do you need a miracle? Are you asking God for His miracles and methods? Have you limited God’s direction to only situations you prefer? Are you ready to walk in faith-filled obedience?
100 Days/Miles This Summer
This summer, we are praying together. It is going to take different forms. First, we are asking people to commit to an unbroken prayer life for 100 days from now until Labor Day Sunday, September 1. Secondly, we are asking people to walk their neighborhood and pray — one mile a day for 100 days or 100 miles to September 1. Thirdly, we are having the church building open for prayer. Beginning the week of Monday, June 3rd the building will be open Mondays at 7 AM, Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, and Thursdays at noon. Some of these times will have a leader leading in prayer while other times, the sanctuary will be open for people to come and pray. We have unique prayer guides that we are asking people to use as part of their prayer. These prayer guides will allow us to “pray together” even if we are not always in the same location, we will be praying along the same lines.
Please take advantage of these times of prayer. For a gift of any size, we will have exclusive T-shirts available for those who commit to prayer walk their neighborhoods. Expect God to respond in miraculous ways today as He did then.
We are believing to connect 1000 people to Jesus Christ and His Church.
We have tools for you.
Evangelism How-To Pamphlet
Surrendered Follow-up Cards
For more go to http://evangelnorth.net/surrendered/
Also, get your “How can I PRAY for you?” shirts here.
We love you. We are looking forward to seeing you at Evangel North Church Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM, and Wednesday at 7 PM.
Also new service: Saturdays 6 PM, at Evangel World Prayer Center (6900 Billtown Road).

Pastors John & Erin Carmichael
Evangel North Church – A multi-generational multi-ethnic church reaching a region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God. |