It’s A Miracle

It’s A Miracle

Miracles are God’s Will for You.

[Jas 5:17-18 NASB95] 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. 18 Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit.

Elijah: A New Testament Example

James uses the Old Testament prophet Elijah as an example of how God wants to work in our lives. God had used Elijah to display His power to His people. Elijah’s prayers brought about tremendous miracles.

When James brings up Elijah, he gives us an interesting detail. He says that Elijah has a “nature like ours . . .” Why? One reason may be to dispel wrong mindsets. Wrong mindsets, like maybe Elijah was different from everyone else or God will do something for Elijah that He will not do for us.

James is challenging the NT believers to believe for miracles. Miracles are when God intervenes. He rises up for His people. Often, when all hope is gone, things look impossible to improve, and faith is released, and we see God move. James wants his readers to know that God still does miracles.

A Summer of Miracles

This summer, beginning Sunday, June 2, we are beginning a sermon series about the miracles of Elijah and his protege’, Elisha. We will see how God works miracles of good and justice—the point is to renew our minds to the fact that God desires to do miracles in our lives. Every Sunday and Wednesday, Dr. John preaches, he will bring one of the miracles God did with these two men to encourage everyone to believe in miracles today.


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