What to Expect

What to Expect

It is intimidating coming to a new church. We understand. We also appreciate the courage it takes to go to a new church. We hope that you feel right at home. Here is some information about what to expect.

  • Our Spirit-filled services include dynamic praise & worship, intense prayer, and anointed relevant preaching.
  • Each service lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
  • We feature a Charismatic & Contemporary style of service.
  • Wear whatever you are comfortable from formal to casual.
  • Childcare is available in every regularly scheduled service.
  • Coffee is available and welcome in the sanctuary (with a lid on the cup).

We typically begin every service with praise and worship. Communion and prayer will follow. It is an open communion (everyone is welcome to participate). There will be a welcome to guests and a brief mention of announcements (at least we hope it is brief). At this point, an offering will be received that is usually accompanied by encouragement from the Bible. Then the highlight of the service is the preaching & teaching of the Word of God, followed by altar ministry in various forms.

If you have any further questions, call us at 502.413.0115 or email us at prayer@evangelnorth.net.

We have a seat for you.
